The International Festival 2016-2017

The period planned for organizing the Festival is from October 2016 till June 2017.

The topic for 2016-2107 is "Our common planet. Let's repaint the city with the colors of Friendship and Joy!"

Children aged 6 to 17 years who are students of Art Schools or visual art studios are welcome to participate.

We suggest to art schools to realize an artistic project around the theme of the Festival. Common activity, artistic creation and the diversity of cultural approaches will mututally benefit and enrich the participants. We endeavour to develop children's ability to explore, to dream, to invent and to work in a team. We initiate kids to make up their mind to be original and to become demanding to themselves in order to establish their own universe. Finally, we encourage their aspiration to communicate, to bring in their artistic view into a complex.



"Friendship without borders" proposes to transform a city into a territory open to experiments and to reimagine the urban space as we see it today. The city is modified into an artist's workshop, it gives freedom for exploration and creation of the new artistic objects (visual installations, ephemeral architecture, urban design, etc.), as well as for events and flashmobs in a public area.

The professional artists get together and demonstrate the examples of new constructive and innovative approaches reflected by their works. The exhibitions are organised in the premises provided by our partners. The registration for the events is performed on certain dates according to the availibility of the artists and places. Follow all the update on the registaration dates on our website